CCDS's priority is to protect your health & safety as well as our team member’s during this challenging time. Below is a list of those changes we have implemented along with a few requirements we ask of our customers.
CCDS Team Members
CCDS Customers
Classroom – The class sizes will be reduced by 50%. Target size will be 20 to 25 students. Class schedule will be modified to allow time to clean and sanitize the tables between classes.
Driving Lessons – Students arriving for a Driving Lesson should wait in the main lobby. Instructors meet their students in the main lobby.
Road Test
After carefully analyzing the significant impact of inflated operating costs on our business, all services have incurred a slight fee increase.
The increase helps us ensure our commitment to providing use of clean, safe vehicles and the very best education services to you.
*****New Rates apply to all services on or after October 1, 2024*****